artist's statement


artist's statement



About Joanna

As an artist, I love the originality that unfolds as I combine various art forms to mirror my stream of consciousness. I work with paints, rice papers, chalk, silk cords, pastels and photography to allow abstract and representational elements to flow through my paintings. To represent that space hovering between the real and the unknown.

joanna at work


tomato ribbons photography

True to my belief that art needs to be constantly evolving and growing, I have found photography to be a wonderful medium to capture both the immediacy and intimacy of an experience. Working with photographs allows me to share my fascination with how people exist in different political and social climates. At times my photographs speak for themselves, at other times, I incorporate them into my paintings or work with them to discover something deeper than what the camera sees.


I find when the emotional and esthetic state of the mind is challenged painting is then truly successful. In my work I try to draw the viewer into my state of being and therefore confront the viewer with my truths.

one of joanne's favorite paintings